Saturday, 14 August 2010


Teia , my almost 7 year old, had a sleep over on Thursday. He came back as the devil in human form. Oh boy, he was a horror. It was a tantrum every two hours. Real stroppy followed by malicious jibes. Eventually, I sent him to bed with a nose bleed and no sympathy. Nope... I did not give him a right hock. His nose bled of its on accord ,honest gov. No really the bleed was probably something to do with his devil possession. I admit, I did feel like giving him a Scotch kiss on more than one occasion. Obviously I refrained. Anyway he slept till 9.30 this morn, which is a new precedent. So now I know that sleep did not occur at the sleep over. Does it ever?

New day , new me trying not to hold a grudge but it is hard when he turns into another bad mood , having been awake for only an hour. Lord give me the patience. What is up with him... Does he have bi –polar , depression or some other problem of the mind. I think I have cheered him up with the promise of a visit to uncle Myles’ house. It seems we have all perked up, mostly due to the idea of leaving this house. I think summer holiday cabin fever is getting to all of us.

Oh I must also mentioned the high pitched squeal that little Luca has developed. It is like the noise of a pig in a moment of acute stress. I think the pair of them are gonna have me in straight jacket by the end of the month.

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