Monday, 30 August 2010

Does any male of the human species flush the toilet?

Honestly, if you know one, name him and while your at it, tell the natural history museum too because I am sure the latter will want to know of such a leap for mankind.
I live with 3 males. I appreciate my almost 3 year old is new to the toilet game , thus flushing in the last thing I expect. To make it to the toilet is enough effort to satisfy me. My almost 7 year forgets to flush for numbers 2s but sems to habitually leave wee in the toilet. Gav the elest male in the house flushes for number 2s but like Teia, my 6 year old, he does not flush after a wee wee.

Clearing up after the toddler is a disinfectant job.I Usually have to do the floor and seat.If I am the last person to visit the loo in the morning , I will have to deal with the remnans of several visits from the boys and between all 3 of them none of them will have flushed. The smell and site would tick anyone off ,especially if that person happens to be the poor soul that has to deep clean the area.Cheers boys. The thing, tis only gonna get worst as they get older.

I want my own loo, pretty please.

Thursday, 26 August 2010


Oh boy , this sedentary summer has lead to some serious excess weight on my ass and trunk. I got some serious belly rolls going on. Reacting to this weight gain, I have been looking at gym membership and intend to join in October. In the mean time I have been laying of the bread , as to avoid the carb face .My face is large at moment and I used to have a neck but that's on its way out too. Other changes to marathon eating means laying off the kids left overs. Gone are the days of cooking a dozen fishfingers for the kids lunch and then eating 10 plus my own grown feast. Tis no wonder I am a fat mo fo.
Replaced bread and cheese with a whole lot of salad. Bowls and bowls of the stuff. On Sunday I got through about half a dozen just before dinner . Dinner was, you guessed it , an even bigger bowl of salad. Whilst enjoying dinnner,my eldest son looked at me and said "Mummy you eat so much salad," I thought about an extended code response, " why yes Teia,I eat salad because it is good for you, did you know that lettuce leaves are a excellent source of vitamin B . Vitamin B is great because it helps us stay happy."Almost immediately he turned away with an obviuos knowing smile. I knew some smart alec response was due to follow. He seemed to hesitate before he spoke and then there was a clear sod it attitude when he said " Oh that is strange mummy because you are always so grumpy."

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Missing my hospital appointment

You know the feeling.. Loosing your keys, getting a parking ticket , missing a train, plane or Dr appointment.Today I achieved the latter. I missed an appointment with my consultant. It was a very important one as it would mean a review of my recovery from my foot op and more importantly removal of my 4 week old moudly bandage. You read correctly, 4 weeks.Yes 4 weeks of wearing the same stinking bandage. A soft bandage which has some crazy, plastic disc that seems to be slicing my foot in two.Honestly its evil.

I thought the appointment was tomorrow. So convinced I was right, that after I noticed the possible mistake, I rolled up my sleeves before I checked the family calendar, I was sure the NHS systems were at fault and when this was confirmed I was gonna call them and give them a piece of my mind. The family calendar only proved how utterly stupid I am. I even wrote the right day on the calendar. What is it with me , I joke that I have early onset of alzheimers and humorously, I blame the aluminum pots my parents used to prepare food. Oh I am hilarious but perhaps it is true. Maybe I do have brain rot with a bit of dementia thrown in. I know that I would benefit significantly from home help and meals on wheels.

I am now faced with that horrible and strangely familiar feeling of loss. Perfect time for the kids to call out “ Mummy, can you,” to which I will roar like a T rex and turn into a zombie mummy “ what , what do you want, I never get a chance to think straight, damn you, I blame you for missing my most important hospital appointment.” Poor dears it is not their fault and luckily they were not around to be blamed, as of course I would have put the blame squarely on their little shoudlers. No they are not here so I must go through the five stages of grief as described by Kubler-Ross . Pretty much dealt with denial, anger and bargaining Right now I am stuck in the depression phase. Mostly because my foot is throbbing like a mo fo. As if it has been hit with a sledge hammer.At least once I am over depression there is the sweet taste of acceptance.

Saturday, 14 August 2010


Teia , my almost 7 year old, had a sleep over on Thursday. He came back as the devil in human form. Oh boy, he was a horror. It was a tantrum every two hours. Real stroppy followed by malicious jibes. Eventually, I sent him to bed with a nose bleed and no sympathy. Nope... I did not give him a right hock. His nose bled of its on accord ,honest gov. No really the bleed was probably something to do with his devil possession. I admit, I did feel like giving him a Scotch kiss on more than one occasion. Obviously I refrained. Anyway he slept till 9.30 this morn, which is a new precedent. So now I know that sleep did not occur at the sleep over. Does it ever?

New day , new me trying not to hold a grudge but it is hard when he turns into another bad mood , having been awake for only an hour. Lord give me the patience. What is up with him... Does he have bi –polar , depression or some other problem of the mind. I think I have cheered him up with the promise of a visit to uncle Myles’ house. It seems we have all perked up, mostly due to the idea of leaving this house. I think summer holiday cabin fever is getting to all of us.

Oh I must also mentioned the high pitched squeal that little Luca has developed. It is like the noise of a pig in a moment of acute stress. I think the pair of them are gonna have me in straight jacket by the end of the month.