Pea's philosophy
Thursday, 1 March 2012
If the kids are leaping about, squealing with glee and generally making hay while the sun shines ... they are probably stamping on my nerves.
As my son says "mummy , your job is to spoil people's fun. Your the fun spoiler."
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
I have been going to the gym at least once a week for nearly a year . Sure there have been times when I have not attended, just couldn’t get there during the summer holidays. However overall I have been good. I started with no stomach muscles. Oh , let me re phrase that because I do and did have them but they just served no purpose; they didn’t work, as they were never in use. When I tried a sit up, the mind progressed through the movement but the body was in a state of paralysis. Anyway using balls, great big ones and half spheres too, I have followed exercises shown to me by my personal trainer to activate my abs. A year later, I am now at the point whereby I can perform a sit up ta da! Thus I have been attending 15 min abs classes and by Jove I feel a change a coming.. Rocking my hard bod I got Gav to have a look and feel. I lifted my top , to expose my 8 pack albeit in the making Staring blankly at my trunk he eventually said “ ahhh I think there might be some slight improvement.” Not one to be defeated and truly feeling as though my tummy was almost at washboard standard I demanded he had a feel “underneath,” I said “the muscle is underneath, you see if you press you can feel it, it’s underneath, underneath. IT’S UNDERNEATH THE FAT . Ignore the fat and focus on the muscle, good damn you”
Hmmmm I don’t think the improvement is significant to the untrained eye but I can definitely feel it and feel great for it .
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
After a few seconds he said “Horrid Henry had them and he said they were like chewing gum.’
I love his innocent understanding ;what a shock he would have ,if he were to try one soon.
Thursday, 14 July 2011
Zen mummy turns psycho
The fatal blow was delivered via the inverse headbutt. If you have spent anytime around children , you’ll know what I mean. For those who don’t know, it goes like this: Adult stands over child or holds a toddler , who is in tantrum mode. Then child child jumps up or jolts back , flipping head southwards to strike a killer blow. They know what they are doing, tis no accident. They want to inflict pain and maybe see some blood.
My black eye is the result of my eldest son leaping to his feet , crack KO!
The context ....
I have had a few epiphanies recently regarding parenting. Basically I am trying , very hard to : listen more, say maybe instead of NO, negotiate, compromise, be more understanding and use an elaborate language code .Nope I didn’t do this before, well not much . It was my way or the high way, rush –rush, shhh shhhh, not now later, stop that or else. I have always felt like I oil the cogs of this family. Would there be a bedtime time routine and swimming club id it weren’t for me? Well there’d be no one to take them but hey I couldn’t afford to pay, which is where daddy comes in. Anyway the new chilled tolerant and zen like mummy that I have become, was negotiating with Teia . I wanted him to start homework. First I let him watch the end of Scooby Doo, then I agreed to have a pre homework game of chess. Teia procrastinated , then finally he walked butler fashion to the HW table to set up the board. En route he dropped all the pieces and duly blamed me. He shouted ‘ why don’t you pick them up, I do everything.’ Staying calm, I took a deep breath and replied ‘I pick up after you all the time, if you drop something, you pick it up, that’s how it goes.’
Mantra ....Zen.... Zen..... zen .... Meditation... intuition... Calm.....fluffy white clouds... bunnies....don't hurt him, for he knows not what he is saying.
I stood over him while he picked them up . Then suddenly he leapt to his feet. At that point I was transported to a place called anger and pain. Automatically I began to attack an inanimate object. The door to the sitting room was the closest thing. I grabbed it then slammed it and whacked it against the sofa. I saw paint fly off as I karate chopped it. The weird thing is that I seemed to stop after 4 digs, then started again till I reached 6. The pause was comedic, it was like someone was walking me away saying ‘ don’t do it, the door ain’t worth it.’ instead of listing to my invisible friend I went back to finish the job ... Yeh baby I am a bad ass mo fo. No door is gonna get the better of me.
I returned to Zen mummy after a 5 min psychotic episode. Thank the lord, I was able to fight the desire to bang on for a further 3 hours. Looking back , I was prepared for bad behaviour, moaning and a contrary attitude. However ABH had been omitted from the list. Now it most definitely at the top.
Sunday, 15 May 2011
H is for Hayes
Monday, 2 May 2011
Indoctrinated into my own family
I am lucky enough to have my folks near by to help. Many a time I have dozed off and Papa and Nanny have taken over as stand in parents. Over the years I have grown out of such dozing because the restrictions of BTR, school run, homework and clubs dictates that I am virtually always on the go .Just last week I was horizontal on the spare bed at Papa’s house. It would have been cool to just doze of and sleep BUT worringly I began to think of the ironing, the BTR and even consequences for the following morning . So instead taking a break when I could , I leapt to my feet carried on with the duties for the rest of the day. That’s it I thought , I’ve been indoctrinated into my own family.I didn't even own an iron until 2 years ago.24 months later and I'm rushing home to iron tea clothes. Between the 3 of them Teia, Luca and Gav have got me worrying about the inanely boring ironing instead of having a well deserved rest.